New Infinitiy Q50 AWD 3.0T For my wife

Hey guys Im looking to lease a 2017 infinity Q50 3.0t Signature Edition AWD for my wife. I am in California right now for business but I live in upstate New York. My wife went to the dealership yesterday and got some numbers. Her current car is going to be given up on the first of June. Could anyone tell me if this is a good deal based on the numbers she got from the dealer.

MSRP - $43,085
MF: Do not know
Lease Term: 39 Months
Down Payment: $2500
Down payment Includes upfront sales tax ($1065.85) , 1st month ($350), Bank Fee ($755),
Cash down $270, NY state Inspection ($10)

Monthly Payment $350
10k miles per year

Purchase Price option is $22,935 if that helps

Is that 10k or 12k miles per year? For reference, the Honcker app is showing me $329 per month with 1708 due at signing for 12k on a $43085 MSRP. That would be in NJ with NJ taxes, not NY. There are plenty of deals on here for q50 way better than the one I just posted.

Sorry for not including the miles. Its 10k per year.

Honcker shows 317 per month with 1696 down for a 43085 msrp vehicle. With some work, you should be able to get lower than $317. Others more familiar with that car should have more input.

Programs change from month to month - are you sure you want to lease a new car now?

Without seeming like I am spamming the board, I found this ad locally in Ohio, you could use it to compare to your deal.