Negative Equity - wsj on long car loans

It is insane in this era of zero interest rates and free money.

If rates ever went back to historic norms with 5-8% per year annual car loans it would get really ugly.

Of course millions of people with no self control and/or no concept of personal finance or time value of money are revolving 20-30% credit card lines of credit. But it’s the man keeping them down…

good read, its a good thing a majority of our clients lease at my dealership :sweat_smile:

But it’s 2019 and everyone is entitled to a BMW or Land Rover. Rates won’t stop this.


TL;DR but this trend is endless till we see some sort of personal finance classes taught in HS. As important as financial awareness is, we do a woeful job in the educational system; if it isn’t learned at home it isn’t learned.

If I’m repeating something from earlier in thread, forgive me.



Yes. And apparently the more expensive the cheaper it should be because the BMW Roundel kinda looks like the Goodwill logo from space.

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Yes. 20% off for the masses!

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My brother is four years younger than I am.

We went to the same elementary, middle, and high schools, in the same small town, and had most of the same teachers.

We have the same parents, who are still happily married to this day, so we come from the identical gene pool.

But only one of us ever calls the other to borrow money.

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How big is your bro’s trunk? :grin:


I will say that his wife smiles a lot.


Sure, but can he pick up peanuts with it?


What’s your brothers number and what kind of interest does he charge? :rofl:


Actually both things can be true

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