Negative Equity on Ram lease/finance?

The negative equity is never going to disappear. You are going to pay for it one way or another, unfortunately.

$16k is quite a bit of negative equity and an 8.9% rate too high. You would need a vehicle with deep discount, a pile of trunk money, and a more reasonable rate to begin to make sense of entering a new “deal”.

Edit: Have you looked into selling the truck privately? Is the trade value a reasonable offer?

if you lease an EQS, would that means you “refinanced” your loan at 0.19% APR?

You would be refinancing whatever negativity equity remains, yes. All it is is moving money around.

OP - are you alive? Don’t let the tough love shy you away; most are all on the same team here.

We’re here to help. :upside_down_face:

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Haha thank you! Yes I’m still breathing. I appreciate all the advice no need to sugar coat anything. I haven’t made any moves yet. But with the feedback and what I was initially thinking, I’m going to keep the truck and start paying additional towards the principal. Look to refi once I cut a good portion of the NE down.

I’m going to sell my old school and upgrade my secondary vehicle for some new fun down the line after I get this under control.


Refi as soon as you can. That way every monthly payment will be paying down more principal even before you’re making any extra payments.

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