Need help finding best lease deals for BMW 3 series models (2018 or 2019)

Hey guys,

Just another guy trying to get the best lease deal possible. Loved reading through a lot of the threads, seems like the community here is strong and I’m excited to be a part of the LeaseHackr forum!

So I’m getting car for the first time and I’m looking to lease a BMW 3 series - either a 328d or 330i, xDrive or not. I did a lot of research and need some expert knowledge from you guys:

  1. The current lease incentives/credit available - currently $4000 is what I’m probably getting
  2. Money Factor - some dealer told me .00228 which I think is ridiculous… Trying to get it to .0018, don’t know if this is realistic or not
  3. Residual % - dealers have been telling me upper 50’s, I’ve heard up to 57%

My zip is 20832 if that adds anything to what you guys would need to know.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks ahead for making my first car lease that much better.


You can answer all of your questions yourself using the forum. Start looking at 3 series leases from this month as well as the BMW mega topic

Probably best to concentrate on loaners: Check out the Marketplace and Shared Deals subs.

PS stating your city/state might make it easier for people to recall any regional dealers/brokers who might be helpful.