Need a bit of help on reaching out

Hey guys I need a bit of help. So normally I use Broker’s for my next lease however the to Broker’s I trust and that can actually get me a vehicle in my state don’t have anything currently in the prices that I’m used to with them. Example 280 sr5 taco 0 down now is like 500 with 6 grand down.

So I am trying to figure out maybe how to go out on my own and look into a frontier lease. I am seeing that they have very high residuals there’s also a lot of them in my area. I don’t mind putting 4-5 grand down but my payment can’t be over 350.
So my question is when contacting the dealers can you do numbers all through email or do I need to drive to each Nissan dealer for example and try and work out numbers and go through that process like that?
Any help some of you experts can provide would be very helpful?

This has been discussed many times. Use the search feature and read threads such as

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