Mini referrals?

I am looking to get into a new (not used) Mini Countryman by the end of the month.

Can anyone here recommend an aggressive Mini dealer - anywhere in the USA?

I’m not sure if it’s still available but the national deal was something like $199/month 10k/36mth or 10k/24mth for an all4 S…probably attached with some stupid $5k down but you could get that down to minimums I think with some effort.

You probably /definitely missed the mini deals being snapped up on here - a forum member worked at Bmw/mini and had nicely specified 2016 manager specials for silly cheap leases. Worth checking out as I could be wrong.

I appreciate this…

However, I am looking for specific Mini dealerships that are more aggressive than others - so I can have them bid on my next lease.

Can you help me?

Contact loberant, he is all over this board with pretty good Mini/BMW loaner deals.


[20 chars…]

Not sure that’s the case with leasing a car and who’s the bidder here. They don’t need to sell to you, but you need a car. Make them compete with each other - which probably can be described the same as “bidding”, but the same logic applies :slight_smile:

point taken,
OP, if you can the same car for $150 a month with 8k miles on it, or 300 a month with none you would still pick the new one?

If the car was test driven up to 300 or even 500 miles - sure. Beyond that, no.

And to Ursus - I do not NEED a car at all. I WANT a car. I have lots of time. My current car runs great…

But if an outrageous deal is presented to me, I will pull the trigger.

This is why I want to contact an aggressive Mini dealer.

Can I ask why if you are leasing?

Interesting question: because it can be cheaper to operate per mile than paying cash or financing.

With that said, what does this have to do with my simple question - can anyone post aggressive Mini dealership names?

That was not what I was asking. I was wondering why you would not consider leasing a loaner if you are leasing it. Your answer is even more curious as you seem interested in costs to operate.

The silence on your original question should tell you something.

Loberant has definitely had many insane lease deals for cars under 500 miles on them. I’d definitely check with him first.

I think the only answer he will get here is to contact @loberant :slight_smile:

haha… well the other answer I would give is to contact all your local dealerships one by one. You never know which one will give you a great deal. Everyone’s mentioning loberant cause he’s usually pretty active on this forum and he’s the only dealer on here that deals heavily with Minis and has pretty rockin’ deals. He’s kinda hard to get in touch with sometimes, but lots of people have spoken highly of their experience with him.