Hi Guys,
Any deals on the mini cooper countryman? Any incentives? What’s the MF and Residual?
Hi Guys,
Any deals on the mini cooper countryman? Any incentives? What’s the MF and Residual?
2016 MINI Cooper Countryman
69% residual (24/10K)
62% residual (36/10K)
.00060 MF
$1,000 customer cash
Targeted: $500 MINI Loyalty + $500 Grad
thanks! with a residual of 69% — is the 24 month lease more attractive? What’s considerated a good deal on a mini cooper countryman?
It really depends on the selling price of the car. If the car were sold at MSRP, then the 36-month term would be more attractive. Think of it this way:
On a 24-month lease, you’re paying 31% of the car’s MSRP over two years (about 16% per year).
On a 36-month lease, you’re paying 38% of the car’s MSRP over three years (about 13% per year).
Now, if there’s a huge discount on the car, then the 24-month term might work out better. MINIs tend be quite popular, however, and sell pretty close to MSRP.