Middle class priced out of auto leasing / buying Market

These numbers you’re quoting aren’t there base salary - which is very easy to look up. There’s only a small few executives whose base salary is that high in these companies. Total compensation (Base Salary + Bonuses + stock options + 401k + etc.) is likely the only way you’re getting numbers that high right out of college.

I am in tech and I do have a base salary + stock options (no where close to $350k, but I am also not working on AI or Machine Learning).

Anyway, I will let them respond to my question about their buddy.

Big law is objectively terrible in normal times but especially so now. All the AmLaw top 50 firms (basically biggest of big law) are just overwhelmed with work due to a weird series of events. Flip side is the bonuses and raises keep coming.

Yes, IB is probably a better career choice but very different skill sets are required and harder to break into, especially if you don’t want to live in NYC.

Law school is horrible but anyone with a hard sciences background has a golden ticket. There are just so few lawyers with a background in engineering, chemistry, bio etc. I don’t know any undergrad science major who went to law school that are not doing very well for themselves.

Which leads into ……

This 100% checks out. Amazon will pay stupid money to tech talent but that is what it takes to compete. My organization is loosing contract developers and programmers to Amazon constantly with HQ2 hiring ramping up.

Yah, this is why I consider it. BS in mech e, have a dozen or so patents to my name that I wrote a lot of the literature for, etc. I just don’t know that I could find the time to do the law school side of things. While doing my MBA, I was looking at doing some extra IP law course to go down the path of a patent agent path. Made sense while work was paying for my MBA. Doubt I could get them to pay for law school.

Could not agree more. There are way too many law schools that let anyone with a pulse in. Nothing like med school. Way too many people think law school is a ticket to a high paying job but don’t realize that unless you get biglaw (usually only the top law students and good schools) you will usually not make much money upon graduation. Lots and lots of students graduating with six figure debt and lucky to have a legal job making 50-60k. So many graduate without jobs and never end up working in the legal field.


All school sucks,should just become an social media influencer or youtuber.
No need for higher education

Not my point at all. There just needs to be better accountability for these schools to provide accurate employment data in order for their students to be eligible for federal aid.

At the same time, these aren’t kids. I don’t think law schools are as big a problem as undergraduate schools where 17 year old kids can just sign their life away to attend some bullshit school to major in liberal arts for $40k a year just to end up working a job where a college degree isn’t even required.

A lot of that has dried up over the past 1.5 yrs, AFAIK.

Honestly, it’s 500 bucks for a roundtrip flight to DC/Bangkok from Abu Dhabi. I’m all for it, and I have a voucher for Etihad so this will be like 200 oop. Most affordable Christmas travel so I’m thinking of surprising my family for Christmas.


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easy, powerball

You can always fly to Miami for around $30 if willing to board at 6am. I typically go the $40 route with American bc they include a carryon. It’s amazing my 7 mile Uber to the airport Costs more then my flight!

Better yet is my long weekend trips to Costa Rica for $58 each way on frontier. I just book a $25 90 minute massage when I land. There’s no inflation on flights if you’re flexible in my experience. It’s all dirt cheap mid week at 6am


Somehow alll the rest of the posts today were relevant to the topic Jon? Haha. Have a great day!


Overall, wouldn’t air travel be cheaper since people can meet over Zoom or other services now? I have a few friends that work and do deals over seas, and they travel not nearly as much as they use to. Supply and demand?

Airlines got huge bailouts and used that to hedge fuel at historically low prices. They can’t raise prices right now. They will though. Give it some time…they will have no choice when they have to pay more for employees willing to deal with it

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Don’t have time to read every single post. The rest of the posts look more on-topic than tits at least.

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One-way, San Diego to Memphis next weekend.

Or fly the last or next Tuesday for 300 off :wink:

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No one at Goldman who is OT eligible is making anywhere near that. Trust me.

FYI. I work in finance


Unfortunately I don’t have any flexibility on the date.