Amex gives you that much on a lease? How’s that work?

I everyone! We have sold over 45 Ex-Loaners this month so Far! the cheaper ones have gone, and the ones that are a great deal – are starting to become low. the others are of course, amazing Leases that have lower monthly payments! Like a GLE63w4 for 1299 down and 1299 (Not including license title and Tax) and doesn’t include Loyalty if you have it and You can USE MSD or ONE PAY. If you haven’t seen them, please check out: MERCEDES-BENZ Specific Thread LEASE SPECIALS all of USA! - #719 by BENZORNOTHING

One more UPDATE, We changed the Pricing for the CLA to $399 down to $399 a month which is now $100/month less than before!

Hi Everyone! Here is a QUICK update before the Thanksgiving Holiday!


I’m interested in CLA250 or C300 …how do I reach you?

You can text EDWARD at 5035075225 , he can assist you

I am going to do a few UPdates daily as we are selling faster now and more information is coming in… people that looked 3 weeks ago already bought – FYI, the list is above and is in a spread sheet form. BOOKMARK this Page and you will get updates on deals that i have, but all my deals are priced agressively on the spreadsheet.

BLACK Friday is on Fire. We have sold 8 Cars so far. 3 of which is ex-loaners from the list. Please review and make sure that there is no cars that you are interested in is sold

Hi everyone,

Quick update for today! We’ve got a full schedule ahead. Yesterday, we successfully sold over 15 vehicles, and the list is steadily shrinking.

I understand many of you are aiming to wrap things up in December, but the challenge lies in availability. While MB might extend some programs, their frequent changes make it unpredictable.

Historically, dealerships have had to balance inventory control with profitability, which adds complexity to the situation. That’s why we aim to stay proactive and aggressive from the start.

A reminder: I’m not a negotiator. Any negotiation marks the end of the discussion. If a lower price is your priority, I recommend choosing a more affordable car. My goal is to offer you an exceptional deal, and that’s exactly what I can provide.

Thank you!

So you’re saying there’s a chance?

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There is always a CHANCE :slight_smile: hahaha! Let’s hope the deals work out.

Just saw the beemer sale! Didn’t think you had cars on the east coast too!

Hi Dale, will you lease your EQS’ for 24 months instead? The payments are much better. Thank you!

Hi! We can:) easy to adjust

All of our $399/$399 leases for CLA’s are sold – (in less than 5 days! ) – we still have EQB’s and we have 1 more CLA that’s at $479

Can you please send #s on the EQS450s for 24 months?

Please send some numbers for EQE or EQS sedans.

When will pricing on 2025 models become available?

I’m looking for a EQS 580 sedan.


580s are being discontinued- most have already been sold

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