Mercedes Benz NATIONWIDE Lease Deals - CLA/GLA/C: 600/mo, GLC 725/mo, GLE 1100/mo, LAST 24's SALE!

GLB 250 loaner for $506?
What am I missing, aren’t they usually in $3XX per month?

Is that supposed to be a $306?

That isn’t the loaner, that’s a brand new one. The demos are at the bottom!

Interested in the glb demo

Last week of the month! Make me an offer!!

Do you deliver cars to California (San Diego)?

Yep, nationwide!

I’m looking for a C63 Cabriolet in SoCal – I didn’t see that model on your spreadsheet.

Let me know if you have anything available.

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Hi all! Spreadsheet updated for May, some new money factors and such, but largely similar programs. Send questions my way!


I’m interested in AMG A35. I already sent you an email.


Messaged you! Thanks.

Hello all!

Before you read this, I am aware that this site is for the best deals. I have sold a few cars here that are not necessarily the best deals, and these are two very special trucks. Just putting it out there for all to see! Please do not ask if they are going to be priced at MSRP.

My store has just come into two very rare allocations for Exclusive Manufaktur builds for G63’s. Both 1 of only 100 to ever be made.

1st one is Opalith White Magno/Bengal Red Exclusive Nappa

2nd one is Magno Hyazinth Red/Platinum Exclusive Nappa.

Please contact me if you have anyone, or know any one that is interested. $500 DOLLAR REFERRAL FEE if they purchase from me. I will ship it anywhere in the country in an enclosed trailer with Reliable Carriers. White one should arrive next month, red one in July. Message me with questions!

Thanks all!

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2020s are still supported?

Yes, support goes through the end of May.

Inventory is dwindling! Don’t let fate decide your car purchase. :wink:

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New $500/mo lease specials coming on AMG line C300 demos! Great cars with awesome discounts. Will have them on the spreadsheet soon!

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Interested in GLE 53 coupe AL are. Plz.

intrested in amg deals

Any deals on G class?

Will message you.

Hi I am at Seattle, interested in GLE350, could you please send me the deal now? Thanks!