Mercedes 2019 C300 4matic sedan Lease

Hello folks,

This are the quotes I received from my dealer for 2019 Mercedes C300 4matic sedans.

MSRP: 47470
Discount: 3797
Adjusted Price: 43673
Appearance 3 yr: 395
Windshield 3 yr: 595
Total Purchase: 44663
Dealer Handling 499
Non Tax Fees 12.20
Net Price 46269.2
Balance 46269.2

Sales Tax Rate: 7.25%

Down: 0
MF: 0.00185 (what the dealer says)
Residual 58%

36/10k = 736/mo

MSD:max (7k)
MF: 0.00115 (what the dealer says)
Down: 0

36/10k = 677

I casually emailed a dealer to give me quotes with MF, RV, and MSD and this is what I got.

Obviously very high.

What can be improved here?

I live in Denver, CO and there are like only 3 Mercedes dealerships…

Did you confirm buy rate MF on Edmunds along with any potential incentives for your region? That discount looks weak at best.

You’ll also want to get these two packages removed, that’s an extra $1000 right there.

You might need to expand your search radius and be prepared to go outside the state. Off the top of my head I recall a recent post by a MB dealer in NorCal that had some nice loaner options for substantially less money - I’d search for that post and consider reaching out.

Thank you so much!

National MF for C300 4matic sedan is 0.00085. But I don’t know if that’s with MSD or not

If you got that from Edmunds, it’s before MSDs.

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A) expand your search radius (u could get car shipped if need be and deal makes sense)

B) consider a C300 loaner, those tend to lease better

These dealers give me like $6-700/mo lease quotes.

Maybe consider using a broker if you’re striking out

How can you find them? What if you got broker, but don’t like the deal?

there are many brokers on this forum, you can start with the marketplace section and look at what’s advertised. Not sure if there are CO brokers on this site, but you’re not that far from CA, many really great deals come from CA, might be worth getting one from a broker there and have the car shipped.

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I see. Thanks yo much!

I’ve seen one decent deal on a c class here in Denver, it was posted in the trophy garage earlier this year or end of last year. Ironically that person was from out of state. You might look for loaners too, I’ve seen them on their websites. You might try going back and forth with all the different dealers, you might have to just grind on them. Target cars in stock for awhile(cargurus site)

Another tactic is to build out your own deal and say you’ll do it for X amount.