Mazda CX-5 Lease Program

Appreciate any help with the updated January lease numbers on a 2016 Mazda CX-5 FWD, in sport and touring trim @ 12k/33 Socal area. Thanks!

I only have the 12K/36 numbers. However, I believe the offset for 33 months is +2% residual.

2016 CX-5 Sport FWD Auto
Residual: 54% (36 months)
MF: .00001
$1,060 lease cash

2016 CX-5 Touring FWD Auto
Residual: 56% (36 months)
MF: .00001
$500 lease cash

Targeted incentives: $750 Lease Loyalty, $500 Owner Loyalty, $500 Military, $500 Mazda Driving School Association, $250 Grad

Thanks this helps a lot!!