Max number of BMW MSDs

I thought that max MSDs were 3 for BMW. At least that’s what the dealer had told me. But the LH calculator says you can do 7. I just want to clarify, do they allow for more MSDs only for those who already lease a BMW?

I’m trying to replicate some of these ridiculous deals I am seeing and not coming close on the calculator so I wonder what I’m doing wrong. I am keeping all the same default numbers for doc fees, etc. and assuming it doesn’t change much for Norcal.

The dealer is wrong. It is 7.

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Is that even for someone who doesn’t have a BMW lease? This is what the LH Calculator says “Max. MSD: 7, for returning BMW customers enrolled in MSD programs only.”

I don’t currently have a lease so I just want to know if 7 is what I should still put in the calculator.

doesnt matter, 7 i max

I’m getting a quote from dealers and they put 7 MSD and conquest (which means I don’t have BMW right now.)

Awesome. Thanks everyone.

Now if there was an easy way to add a filter for CarPlay to dealer inventory. Figuring out which 2018 BMW supports it has been a nightmare.

Don’t waste your time filtering by CarPlay since it will really limit your search…there is no hardware difference and you may have it already enabled or can get it enabled for $100 or so.

huh I was reading horror stories all over the web from people saying that they couldn’t get it on their cars because they later found out they needed certain packages. But now that I read about that coding option that sounds great. Thanks man.