Max G got me to change my mind

You are welcome. Even mo’ better.

Just found out that Tesla is release 35k model 3. Max saved the day for me - I was about to pull trigger on X6, now I am gonna go order Model 3 lol…

Ohhhhh I bet I know. I bet I know where he went to college as well.


I gotta know the story behind this… who cared so much?

I’m working on getting my Italian citizenship right now. Thanks, immigrant wife with triple citizenship.

Might be handy to be able to work in the EU someday, should an opportunity knock.

You’re doing it through the consulate?

I tried it in Rome last year - was an absolute cluster foxtrot.

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Doing it through translators and the consulate in LA and we’ll be in Italy in the next year or so if we need.

It has been, ahem, challenging. Clustereff comes to mind. Or kludge. Don’t be in a hurry, that’s for sure. Was easier for daughter than spouse.

By the time you get it, Italy might have exited the EU. The irony!

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Bite your :tongue:

Veni, Vidi, Arrividerci

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It’s not going to be easier in Italy to be honest.

They’ve really cracked down on the process w/ all this South American turmoil…

I met tons of Brazilians, Argentinians and Venezuelans going through the process while I was there.

The comune pretty much refuses to process residence applications (needed for anything gov’t related in Italy) w/o a permesso di soggiorno.

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Well, she’s Venezuelan by birth, Italian by mother’s birth, and USA citizen by naturalization, so we’re doing it as ‘Muricans for whatever that’s worth.

We don’t have a deadline, it’s just a nice to have. Someday we’d like to spend a half dozen years in EU, but that day may be years off.

It’s easier in small towns - I’m likely to go back in September and attempt it in the city my family is from.

Been emailing them and they’ve basically told me to come in and they’ll figure it out.

I’m largely in the same boat - I’m doing it more for the roots part and having a bit more freedom of travel.

Hey it’s just plain cool to have (2) passports, I don’t care who ya are.

Well there’s much easier ways to get a 2nd passport

Help me out here. I’m a little ignorant.

I want EU citizenship for potential work opportunities later.

How else can one score a 2nd passport?
I’m being real, not snarky haha.

I don’t want to provide outdated information because it’s a game of whack-a-mole as loopholes open and get shut down…there’s always a peripheral country or two that have the most favorable conditions at any given point in time

There’s a cottage industry of lawyers who specialize in this stuff and could answer your question if serious

Well, sure. But I happen to be in a position to capitalize on being married to an EU citizen.

I don’t know if I’d consider semi-shady lawyers and loopholes “much easier” than just procuring citizenship legitimately.

Search for the thread on whether trusteds can read regulars’ PMs. The culprit wanted to make sure I couldn’t see his cry for help to the very top :sunglasses:
The start is in the landfill :grin:

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Didn’t intend to imply that either the lawyers or the loopholes were shady. Cottage industry just means it’s a small sub of the legal profession, not necessarily something advertised on billboards. The very nature of codified law allows that a legal means to an end can exist without it necessarily having been intended or foreseen by the original legislators, but it’s legal nonetheless. The citizenship you would receive would be as legal as your wife’s US one.

If one has ever paid a CPA or tax attorney to look over their taxes, in effect they did the same thing.

Ease vs time… the possibility of Italy leaving the EU before the massive number of citizenship applications can/will be processed is not a trivial one. It is almost every person in Latam who has any birth right and the ability to afford the application

Not my place to advocate either way, just something to think about.

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