Make deals searchable, by filters. e.g. search dealer deals by area, city or metroarea, model, make,etc

make deals searchable, by filters. e.g. search dealer deals by area, city or metroarea, model, make,etc
right now all ads are piled in forum links and spreadsheets.

if you make it searchable , buyers can find deals faster, by using filters. then the buyers can contact the dealer by clicking a link next to the interested car and show interest and take it from there
this will also help the dealers . they can upload their deal inventory to the website and website can show them how many prospective buyers are interested in their cars

Sounds a lot like what they were trying to do here:

Its just tough as a lot of dealers aren’t allowed to post deals publicly per their manufacturer policy

You can search using tags. The problem is many users don’t use tags correctly.


yup this is exactly what is needed

If brokers could post there (deal huntr) instead of a bunch of spreadsheets that would be awesome, or one huge spreadsheet would work too. But please, for the love of god, don’t just post deals in plain text in one long thread like some brokers do!