Hi, i’m new to this forum and currently in a pickle. I’m in the military and just got my orders to Fort Drum. I’m looking to trade in my 2015 Corolla LE that unfortunately still have 13 months so i don’t qualify for the Asian Conquest lease from Chevrolet. I tried but i can’t find SUV or CUV that has AWD that i could lease for around $200 (not including the corolla trade-in, i’m sure i will have to pay out of pocket around $2000 to get out from the corolla lease).
I don’t care much about brand or trim as long as it has AWD.
Please give me some suggestion.
Thank you very much.
Winters pretty much over here now in upstate ny, maybe wait till next fall to start looking? Just food for thought, might be a little easier to get someone to buy lease out with 4 months instead of 13. But any way to answer the question, I got my gf a vw Tiguan s awd last year for 229 I think Is what she’s paying, I’m not 100% sure on current rates on them, but i still vw is still struggling to recover from the scandal. Pretty decently equipped for a base model, leather, touch screen backup cam heated seats.
I will be driving cross country and would prefer a bigger car just for safety. I jusct check VW Tiguan and seems like it is similarly priced with Hyundai Tacson which cost me above $350 for 2 years lease with 10000miles.
Asian conquest isn’t 365 days.
That only applies to GMS pricing.
What do you mean by that? I read it somewhere in this forum that i need to have a lease that ends in 365 days to qualify for the $3000 incentive.
I’m getting all excited if what you said is true.
Unless you find that in the program rules - ignore the chatter.
I have yet to see anything in writing and done two deals with leases active beyond the 365.
Edit: GMS is GM Employee pricing - they probably have an additional rebate tied to it or something excluding them.
Awesome. I’m in cotact with several chevy dealers in my local area in WA. Where can i find the MF and RV for Equinox LS AWD with 24 months and 10000 miles?
How about the Honda HRV? Or any Subaru
Google - 2017 Equinox lease forums edmund. Go to the last page and work your way back until you find that info.
Subaru has amazing residuals but horrible MF.
Chase does their leases… I don’t think they have an inhouse bank.
(Yes, Subaru is owned by Fuji who is owned by Toyota. They don’t collude as far as I know)
Benedetto, Thank you!!
Kimmel, HRV is too small and Subaru doesn’t lease too well.
This is the national deal. I am sure you could probably get this down to 200 – awd is standard.
Lease a new 2017 Forester for $229/Month
Now through March 31, 2017
Offer Details
Now through March 31, 2017 Lease a new 2017 Forester for $229/Month on a 36-Month Lease (Standard 2.5i 6MT model, code HFA-01). $1,729 due at lease signing. $0 security deposit.
Not exactly. Fuji Heavy Industries (not Fuji which makes cameras) owned Subaru, but now it’s changing name to Subaru Corp. Also, Toyota owns a piece of it, not the whole thing.
On October 5, 2005 Toyota Motor Corporation purchased 8.7% of FHI shares from General Motors, which had owned 20.1% since 1999.[5] GM later divested its remaining 11.4% stake on the open market to sever all ties with FHI. FHI previously stated there might have been 27 million shares (3.4%) acquired before the start of trading by an unknown party on October 6, 2005, and speculation suggested a bank or perhaps another automaker was involved. After the purchase, Toyota announced a contract with Subaru on March 13, 2006 to use the underutilized Subaru manufacturing facility in Lafayette, Indiana, USA as well as plans to hire up to 1,000 workers and set aside an assembly line for the Camry, beginning in the second quarter of 2007.
If the Equinox doesn’t work out, Nissan Rogue.
I really do hope that the Equinox will work. But so far only one dealership gave me $209 per month before tax for Equinox LS AWD 24/10 lease. Others are giving me more than $300 per month.
Are the rebates available in your area?
I know the asian conquest is available but the dealerships are not very transparent and only give me the monthly payment. I asked for the detailed numbers and they are sitting on it. Its been 2-3 days and they haven’t replied.
Well - you can take it forward a bit and call the sales manager.
Be upfront about everything you want and see what they say - what’s the worst thing they do? Say no?
Will do it today since its the weekend and i have more time. I’ll post the deals that i get and please give me some input on it.
Thank you.
@ me since I’m lazy and forget to read