Loaner — Min time in fleet

Seasoned hackers and dealers, I’m looking at a 3 series loaner, but the CA says it has to stay in their fleet for at least 3 months before they can retail it. They punched it at the end of August.

I assume this is accurate, but am wondering if it’s a BMW NA restriction and, if so, what are the specifics? Does the dealer have some leeway to pull the unit?

It sounds like 3 months / 2500 mi minimum for any incentives as of Aug 1st


Thanks. I was just in that thread the other day. Totally missed it.

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I know I’ve seen it posted in other threads as well, I had to look around to find it and surprised it was in the middle of that thread. So you’re not alone. I’m also not a BMW guy so I’ll defer to the experts.

But thank you for asking a specific question about a specific brand.

I’ll update it, along with corporate fleet stacking and accelerate into autumn later. Today was an off day.

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@HersheySweet no shade / TYFYS

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No shade received, I woke up at 3pm and said today is a good quarantined day.

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FYI, I spoke with a CA on another forum who indicated the min time in fleet is 30 days and 1k MI, though she indicated that 90 days is the norm.