LH Calculator and how to use it

Sure, if the dealer wrote the sheet correctly. Mix ups can happen, especially with things like different taxing structures.

More than fair, I’ve made mixups before. But s(he was excluding Acq. fee, so that means the delta is only like 430 bucks now.

Where did you get the $595 aquisition fee from?
And what is this “wear and tear” fee?

Subaru’s bank (Chase) charges this fee for every single lease, you can’t avoid it, so I included it.

Theoretical Dealer add on to make extra profit, explaining the difference in lease calculation and your price, might not exist just a plausible explanation to the difference in pricing.

Probably not since it is not 6% sales tax and there is nothing in taxable incentives. He needs to find out what it is. Some locations in VA have extra sales tax (I paid something like $143 on top of normal sales tax). He’s around $288 total off of dealer’s number.

This information is so helpful. Where can you find out the money factor on a particular vehicle? I am looking to lease a 2021 chevy tahoe. Thank u

Having current, accurate information for residual value, money factor, and incentives is important in understanding you deal. As such, going directly to a source that has access to that data from the captive banks is your best option. The forums at Edmunds are where we go to get that information, as they have direct access to it from the captive banks. You’ll want to post of the model specific thread for the vehicle you’re interested in and request the most current numbers for your zip code. It is often easiest to find that thread by searching Google for “Edmunds lease” followed by the model of vehicle you’re interested in.


Thank u so much :+1:

First Post! Having some calculator questions / issues. I’m calculating the lease for a $38 car. Changing ONLY the MF added $42 more to my payment, just by upping APR from 1% to 2.66%? This seems like a huge increase for such a small change. Is this right?

Sale Price: $38k
MF .00043 vs .00111
Monthly Payment: $340 vs $382

Yes. That’s how rent charge works, if you changed nothing else that should be the correct change. You’re nearly tripling the MF, shouldn’t it go up by all means and logic?

BTW RV/MF is found for normal people at the edmunds forum…

Search forum.edmunds.com + lease deals and prices + model of car you’re looking for.

Don’t guess numbers with what you want to pay.

Thanks! Sorry, very new to all of this. Rent charge is another way to put MF / APR?

Ah ok thanks for confirming! In my head 1% vs 2.6% APR sounded like such a tiny change, didn’t expect a 15% or so increase in monthly payment! I’ve been on the Edmund forums, got the RV/MV/Incentives etc. Just thought I was using the calculator wrong. Thanks again

The following is an over simplification meant to highlight the general concept and isn’t 100% accurate

The problem is that many people look at this and say “well, my payment is $100 before the rent charge, and it’s only 1%, so how could it make much difference? After all, 1% of $100 is only $1.”

What they miss is that in a lease, you’re essentially taking out a loan for the entire price of the vehicle. The rent charge is basically the average interest paid as the vehicle depreciates from the selling price to the residual value.

In this case, your selling price is $38000. If we assume your RV is about $20,000, then the rent charge is the APR being applied to the average between the two.

So instead, it’s the difference between 1% and 2.66% of $29,0000.

That means, each year, the rent charge would increase from $290 to $771. Divide by 12, and you’re going from $24/month in rent charge to $75/month in rent charge.

The preceding as been an over simplification to highlight the concept


Right of course! I’d never sign a deal with out all this sorted. This is day 1 of research :slight_smile: The logic makes sense. For simple folk like me you see a lease and figure you’re only paying interest on what you borrow, not the total. But even so, at the total cost I wouldn’t think a 1.5% increase in APR would have such a big affect. Shame on me, I recently refi’d my mortgage for this very reason should have known!

You basically are borrowing the whole amount. You’ve just pre-arranged the repurchase at the end of the set term. Think of it more like “I’m buying and financing this vehicle for $38k and the bank agrees to purchase it back from me for $20k after 3 years.”

Yeah that makes sense. Thanks all super helpful

Is there any way to get Texas taxes into the monthly payment? I can only seem to get it to show it as upfront payment. Easy to calculate manually, just curious.

Click the third tax option for tax on full amount, adjust the das as needed per the calculator FAQ.

Click on the cap tax option.