Leasehackr Meme Lounge (Part 2)

Plot twist, both are already trailing 500’s with recent repos or chargeoffs.

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I’ve done that. And bought. Sight unseen, test drive unseen. I live on the edge baby!!

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I tell friends and potential clients that you should be married when buying property together. No entanglements or boyfriends or baby mamas or baby daddy’s. It amazes me how many people are willing to make the biggest purchases of their lives/plan out kids without being married


The media is encouraging this. Lots of grrrrrl power articles about not needing to be married to buy real estate together with a “partner”.

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No I get that. I did it with the lucid but I knew the price already…I list all my prices so people can see that also upfront. What I don’t do is negotiate ask a bunch of questions, price multiple models before I do my own research of what I may want.


You can blame no fault divorce and #40 for that one.


Idk my dad told me to buy all of my houses BEFORE I get married.

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People can be shitty - had one guy draft a fake email from the The dealer saying he wasn’t getting the car - in order to get a broker fee refund

He still picked up the car - the guy was russian or Ukrainian from sheepshead bay - who would have thunk!!


How do you draft fake emalls from a dealer??

When you forward a email - you can edit the forwarded emails text

I didn’t think people could be shitty like that

The real takeaway here is that you’re a broker?


he used to be for a very short while, maybe 4 years ago?

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The optimal strategy for most states is single or after marriage. The worst is having a bf/gf that lives in the house on the title/mortgage and you break up. There’s really no established case law or statutory laws regarding splitting assets of unmarried couples. It ends up being a giant clusterfuck unless both parties are cool and calm which isn’t often the case.

*am a Realtor, not your Realtor, not your lawyer.


Yes - got the bond and everything-

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Dealers can be shitty at the same time. You don’t NEED a deal sheet in order to offer someone a decent deal. Then you show your cards and they still can’t come close…big surprise.

Tell the manager to get their head out of their a** and sell. How difficult is it to edit even a purchase offer? I’ll answer - in todays world it’s quite easy. At the end of the day, everyone is playing the same game. A dollar saved or a dollar made…neither side are innocent. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Google “Marvin Action” under CA law. Named after the deceased actor Lee Marvin.

*Not your lawyer, realtor or financial advisor.

What happen to the memes in our Meme Lounge? :sob:



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