Leasehackr Meme Lounge (Part 1)

It’s almost as if brokers exist to get clients into an easy, stress free, and pre-negotiated deal. The deals are often thousands less than if Joe-schmo walked into a dealer and tried to negotiate themselves. The broker fee is negligible compared to the amount you’ll save.

I don’t understand all of the hostility towards brokers lately, outside of a specific broker who was recently banned.


So what you’re saying is that everyone should stand down and let me be the only one to email the dealer?

I used a broker for my latest lease. I got a really good deal (in my opinion) and it took me like all of 15 minutes to get it done. I just don’t have time these days to deal with all of the back and forth to maybe squeeze a little more blood from the stone. My time is more valuable than that.


I just wish people would pick a target deal, email a dealer, and take it if they get it.

I was personally hacking for years before I became a broker, and at the end of the day, this was always the best way to get a deal.

Now that I’ve seen the other side, I understand why dealers ignore the emails even if they would have done that deal…


Except the broker…who needs to eat too.

You forgot that in communist countries, they provide the food for you! It may be old, expired, moldy, and not consumable but don’t worry…you still have food :slight_smile:

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I understand what you mean… the “boy who cried wolf”. It is a shame the people who ARE actually willing to shake hands immediately are tossed into the this is a waste of time bucket.

What ever happened to the art of selling? I’m talking the good, old school, type of salesman who could sell you back the trade you just drove in with. It seems society, in general, everyone wants to receive instant gratification. The buyers want an easy purchase, brokers want an easy transaction, and even the dealer wants the lowest hanging fruit (although they are in the business of selling…?). Its kind of sad, because selling should be fun… much like how “hacking” is enjoyed by many. At the end of the day, it isn’t always about the dollar we gained (or lost :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) or even the new vehicle itself…its purely out of sport.

Sometimes you wait in line for it. But eh what else were you going to do that day anyway?

Very Wrong!

Poor broker, it’s very wrong for him to make money.




Money Money Smoking GIF



My life right now. Like half the time I try to send them to a marketplace broker. Sadly it doesn’t work out the other half and I’m spending time on the phone.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

from Imgflip Meme Generator


given the cost of hvac work you’re better off with that then the cash.


Why the hostility toward hackers who are trying to get the best possible deal? That’s exactly the point of this website. For folks who don’t want to bother, go with a broker. And “beating” a deal by $200 is basically just matching the deal. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but let’s call a spade a spade.

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Dude, relax. It’s the Meme Lounge.


Audi actually calls it Mythos Black.

Seriously though, LHer has its “unwritten rules” and I have very clearly triggered a few folks around here with my bat flipping. On some level I’m sorry about that (I genuinely don’t like upsetting anyone), but I’d recommend putting me on ignore instead of hate-reading my post history to create a meme about something that happened ten days ago. That’s just weird.

Like I told the other guy: relax, it’s the Meme Lounge - indeed part of the “unwritten rules.”

You don’t like it? Then “put it on ignore.”