LeaseHackr Calculator suggestion

The LH calculator should include an option for 1st month as drive off not just standard and 0 drive offs.


If you put a negative number in the “Down Payment” section you can manually adjust it. It’s not a perfect solution but it does work.


Or multiply payments minus one of the term and then divide by the term.

Example: 500x35 then divide by 36.

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The LH calculator should include an option for 1st month as drive off not just standard and 0 drive offs.

I agree. Actually, it would be even better to have an open field where you can enter in the desired drive-off amount and have the calculator factor that in by adjusting the monthly payment calculation.


@Kay419 STOP posting the same thing over and over everywhere.


Is there a way to adjust the disposition fee since Ally doesn’t charge that? was trying to get an accurate LH score

Just adjust the down payment by minus the dispo fee.


Wish there was an adjustment not involving negative math to show just first payment or plus MSD DAS.

I agree. When cross shopping deals I always ask for 1st + DMV at signing, so I’ve always found it a little annoying I can’t cap the taxes on the incentives and such.

That being said, the calculator is a great tool, and its not hard to figure out what it would be with 1st and DMV. I also have an app on my phone that lets me do this if I really want to make a more exact or in-depth calculation.

But then the payment and tax amount changes, which is not accurate. I tried putting in the “post-rebates” that seemed to work


Just remember leasehackr score is a guideline

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