Oof, that’s worse than I thought. I was giving the benefit of the lower interest rates Ford has been offering on these.
I’m 5 months into my Lariat lease and it’s already worth about as much as the 3 year residual. These are falling like bricks.
Oof, that’s worse than I thought. I was giving the benefit of the lower interest rates Ford has been offering on these.
I’m 5 months into my Lariat lease and it’s already worth about as much as the 3 year residual. These are falling like bricks.
I agree these don’t seem like they will hold value like a gas truck and we have no long term data to base it off of. Short term MMR matching doesn’t say much to me realistically.
@BoW - How much negative equity did you roll into the truck?
I believe 13 or so, it has dropped another 27-30 since then. Best case it’s negative 40 now I believe.
Good luck man, hope you get some timely advice for your next lease.
I wonder what was the dealer’s reaction was after this deal was signed…
For your own sake, I hope you will stop rolling negative equity into a new car.
That’s a lot of dough.
Good luck.
They asking if you had another vehicle that was negative and you put that into the truck?
Drive to Los Angeles and park it in one of the areas affected by the fire. Boom negative equity is taken care of.
Red Flags for us, for dealers its opposite
Anybody have a great vehicle to lease other than a i7 or Hummer EV that eats some negative?
What is wrong with your Ford lightning? Just ride it out n be done with it instead of making it bigger.
Nobody eats anything. You’re just re-borrowing the NE.
Have you done the math? Next 5 years with the same cash out flow, are you coming out ahead after multiple leases vs paying this thing down? You’ll be in zero to positive equity by then. Depreciation flattens out and the meat of the market for used cars is sub $30k, from personal experience. Private party bids are way better than trade-in values.
What’s the mental anguish of being in a NE position anyway? You sign a 3yr lease today and you’ll be in NE for 2 years and 11 months. Sign another lease after that and you’ll likely be in NE for another 2 years and 11 months. And so on and so on. Any hacked lease you sign is likely to be underwater for 35 of 36 months.
It’s because this website is telling us to get new cars all the time
It’s a nice truck, just make more payments on plat and ride it out but OP doesn’t want to listen. Taking advice from strangers on a forum but then doesn’t want to take the advice
I mean… I am listening. Came here for creativity and have gotten some so appreciate it
Your best candidate was the EQS before AMEX went away. There aren’t any crazy deals that will scream and take your $30K+ neggy away. You are better off just having the car totaled out in hopes you also have GAP insurance.
i7 will be $2000 payment with $30K neggy. You are just putting a bigger hole into your pocket. Maybe just refinance your car note to 36-48 months to soften the blow
If you purchased this truck with the intention of keeping it long term I would suggest you take a step back and realize that with the exception of disasters like the Fisker Ocean, depreciation for all vehicles is rarely linear in nature. It would be very surprising to see an EV that is also a capable truck be worth next to nothing over a reasonable time frame, especially as electric vehicles continue to proliferate. A sudden drop in value could be attributed to a rush to get them sold before the EV tax credit (allegedly) goes away.
Sage advice from an electric eliminator! lol
If a F150 Lightning Plat is gonna cost 15k in 3 years from now I’ll get one myself.
I seriously doubt it is gonna sink that much. It is a freaking work truck, after all.
I mean, man do I hope to be wrong! I’ve had an EV in some form since 2012 and do enjoy daily driving them.