Lots of options, several that may involve some more homework
- You could extend this lease, if needed
- If you just turn-in the BMW (you won’t)
Disposition: $350 (waived for a new bmw lease, also if you trade it in or sell it) and
Best case, grounding the car gets you $300
- Good that you separated the old lease and got a Carvana quote - did you get other quotes and theirs was highest? If not I’d get all the quotes.
- The trick here will be timing: normally I’d focus on the new lease and leave the trade for the end. Very curious what others think/suggest in June 2021 (and no other time), but I’d probably do my research, make them a fair/reasonable/June 2021 offer first on the new one, and wait to discuss the trade after they counter.
The trade is now something they want, but will have to see (like always), and gives the dealership more flexibility with the numbers in your overall deal. It can be to both your benefit if it’s not entirely to your detriment.