Lease either a Cruze or Malibu

I found about the leasing idea and how to do it last night. So I have to dedicate myself to actually learn but still haven’t found a good guide. So much information and I’m not sure where to start. I’m not familiar with all these terminologies and even where to get all these numbers (incentive, residual, etc.) so is hard to filled the blanks on the calculator. There’s a guide that there but I was reading a bit and its just overwhelming.

This really started when a neighbor lease his Cruze for $20/month $0 down 10k/yr for 24 months…
Well I started researching and ended up here. I been looking around and cant find a good deal like that, but it would help me economically if I did.

I’m looking for Cruze LTZ (Main one) or a Malibu if is the best bang for my buck.
I seen few similar threads, but in this one I want to learn where you guys GO TO get the numbers, HOW to get the numbers, and the other things I don’t know.

I doubt I will find a deal like the $20/month because to be that’s good to be true. But if its possible something cheap with $0 please let me know because that is going to decide if I can go to school.

Location: Florida (32757)
Vehicle: Cruze LTZ
Terms 24/months 10k/year

Suggestion: Donation page would be nice


In the case of the Cruze, keep in mind that these deals are highly variable and sensitive to factors like incentives and the MSRP of the car. Although a Cruze LTZ might have an MSRP that’s 25% higher than a Cruze LT, it might be 100% more expensive to lease. For deals like these, you’ll have to accept some compromises (must be a leftover Cruze Limited and not the all-new Cruze, for instance), and the right deal becomes a higher priority than the right car.

Here’s likely the best case scenario for Cruze right now:

2016 Cruze Limited 1LT
MSRP: $21,070
Selling Price: $19,500
Incentives: $3,455 lease cash + $500 Farm Bureau + $1,500 Competitive Lease cash
Residual: 62%
MF: .00095 ($0 acquisition fee)

Result: $67/month + tax, $0 down + drive-offs

If you don’t qualify for the latter two incentives, it balloons to $152/month + tax. The folks who were getting the free or near-free Cruze leases November through January likely used the $2,500 Volt Loyalty incentive.

Thank you! May I ask (Because I’m trying to learn how to do this myself) how do you find the selling price and all these incentives? What about the acquisition fees?

Incentives can usually be found on the manufacturer’s lease programs advertised on its official website. Acquisition Fee can be found on our LeaseCompare or our Calculator, which has acquisition fee programmed in for each make except for certain brands in the Chrysler group whose acquisition fee depends on the financing bank that you work with. Selling price really depends on the dealer you are working with. It’s highly regional. You can get a reference selling price through some 3rd-party car shopping websites, forums such as this one, and our newly launched Lease Log where readers can submit their recent leases.

Thanks for your suggestion on a donation page. We will definitely look into it!

Let us know if you have further questions!

How do I negotiate the $67/month with a dealer? I mean I dont qualify for the $500 Farm bureau because I have USAA and not state farm but for the other two incentives Im okay.

Some of our readers have shared their negotiation strategies and experience on the forum, maybe they could be of help:

And definitely search around for more!

All you have to do is join your state farm bureau and be a member for 30 days, then you can get the $500 certificate.

Must be a Farm Bureau member in a participating state to receive this discount. Want to join? Select your state and join today! Not available in AZ, GA, IL, IA, KS, MI, MS, MO, or TN. Call your state Farm Bureau to request this discount.

Hmm, membership in Farm Bureau in those states apparently qualifies for Ford/Lincoln rebate. Question, if you live in one of the non participating states, but belong to a state Farm Bureau of a participating state, would you qualify for the GM rebate?

I would assume no. The state where the vehicle would be registered would determine that I would guess.


Can this $67/month 24months deal be done in New Jersey? Any dealer you recommend who corresponds in email?


I received an email from the director. Basically saying that they dont have leasing programs with a residual of 62%, because they only lease with one bank so there wont be any variations…

they also told me that Cruze limited LT leasing was so popular that they only have one left in South Florida from that dealership

so they offer me a LT2

So because Im new at this can somebody please translate and explain the first part?