Lease coming due - Looking for ID.4 (I have questions)

is the cargo space in the EQE as small as it seems? the MY seems to be the absolute best…
can leases be found for EQE/EQB in the same range as the other vehicles Detroit_Lightning mentioned?

@Detroit_Lightning --have you considered the Cadillac Lyriq? I’m not sure what conventional wisdom on it is (i see mostly good reviews), but might be worth adding to the considerations set…

EQB lease is not as good as december. EQE lease will be $500+. Not on the same range as what he’s looking for.

My parent only need storage for costco trip, eqe cargo space should be enough.

It would be fine, I’ll look around a bit…but likely going to run more than other vehicles I’m looking at. Probably nicer, but for my purposes at the moment…price / saving $ is more important.

Also, a trend here has been that some Dealer Sales Agents have been disguising themselves as brokers here, posting “deals” which are really just your run of mill normal overpriced dealer ads that are available everywhere. Make sure to do your homework before you pull the trigger hiring a dealer. Make sure you understand the basics of leasing and know how to use the LH calculator properly before you move forward with any deal. Don’t be blinded by a Monthly Rate without knowing what the numbers are truly telling you.


Asking for a monthly payment is useless. You need to know the breakdown of the deal. When you request info from a dealer it makes sense to understand the MSRP and to know what the discount will be before incentives. The other stuff like MF and RV you can get from Edmunds. If you go to a dealer asking for a Monthly you’re just asking for them to come up with an arbitrary number.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Volkswagen ID4 in Connecticut

I’ve been continuing to familiarize myself with the best practices here. Appreciate how much useful advice everyone offers on these forums.

Reviewed a fantastic post with by a user over on Reddit with a suggest template e-mail/approach.

See example draft below:


Hi _______,

I see you have a 2023 VW ID.4 Pro S on your lot that I am interested in.

Stock#: ** **

Vin#: ** **

The MSRP is listed at $54,901

I believe the residual is 50% and the money factor is 0.00140.

If you’d be willing to base a 36 month/12k lease off of a gross cap cost of $47,764 (MSRP - 13%) (prior to any incentives) with no money down then I will drive out there right away to sign the paperwork.

Lease cash right now is $12,000 plus whatever additional $ dealer contribution but what I’m after is a cap cost reduction before any incentives are applied, not after. However you get there is up to you but it needs to come out of your end, not mine.

I would like to pay all the fees up front,. Assume Tier 1 credit. I’m flexible on miles and months on the terms if its swings the deal my way significantly. By my rough math this would put my payment after tax at roughly $340 per month with a drive off fee of composed only of first month’s + tax).

Thank you ___ and have a great day! Looking forward to dealing with you!

Obviously I would be servicing with you and expect future repeat business as I am very local to you.



I have put together the calculator here


  1. Not entirely sure on dealer fees or government fees but think it’s close enough.
  2. Does the approach look sound? Would folks recommend adding anything else or tweaking to really lock things down?
  3. I know the ask is at 13% off MSRP but to me, it seems worth starting there.
  4. I’m not sure if I did the Leasehackr calc correctly so open to any feedback there


  1. Don’t put LH calculator link there. Never mention LH on your email to dealer.

  2. Make it short and concise.

Check marketplace and recent deal signed so you know what your target should be

LH Calc is just here for this group so see the whole picture

Delete everything after “plus”

No. If you’re doing it this way you have to specify exactly how much money you’re paying upfront. Too much ambiguity otherwise and ambiguity always works against you.

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