Kia Dealership issues

Correct and they said “they physically can’t do anything” since it’s already in the system and only Kia has the authority to undo a lease ground.

Correct as well. The ONLY documentation I believe I have, is me texting this one guy (who I interacted with last month in same dealership. Not involved with what happened) saying I came in trying to sell my car and now that I have a new lease, I’m ready for them to appraise it again.

I for sure have a legal case if they for some reason “cant” give me my car back. I’m just here to tell people to be careful and steer clear from this crap hole.

They kicked you out the door without your car already…


Well I can’t just stay there. They illegally terminated my lease without my permission and signature.

My point is you’re already past the “we can’t give you your car back” phase when they kicked you to the curb without a vehicle.

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Possession (of Kia Financial’s rented property) is 9/10 of the law…

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I assume Kia dealerships are similar to Hyundais. When reaching out to a dozen or so Hyundai dealerships two years ago, I thought to myself
How much worse these dealerships than some others I’ve dealt with in the past.

I don’t know how it’s suppose to work, legally, but when I sold my Camaro, I did not leave the dealership with a check but I did leave with a piece of paper signed by finance guy saying they were buying my car for X amount.

It sounds like they have the car and it’s your word against theirs. They could lie and say you dropped off the car and just walked out.

This thread should just be closed, it’s completely asinine. The OP wants to warn people away from this Kia Dealer, who he still hasn’t named 12 hours later, and wants us to play a guessing game of who it is.

OP also doesn’t want advice, disagrees with the merit or strategy of filing a police report naming the Sales Manager and forwarding copies to Kia Americas… Oh and did I mention he still hasn’t named the Stealership. Again, reference Forest Gump about his interactions w/ the dealer and the LH Forum!

@michael please close this thread.


@vampy any update?

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OP is waiting for his Uber.


“It’s really busy - we found you a closer driver”


LH community is a rough crowd. Please identify the dealer.

He will not identify the dealer and it was never his intent. He played LH against the dealer, like “see what will happen, if you don’t make it right?”.


Do we even care? The whole story just seems dumb.

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It makes for a good cautionary tale: don’t walk into the dealership after the captive is closed for the day, expecting they will write you a check for any lease equity you think that you have, but instead they ground your lease :man_shrugging:t2:

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Also, why deal with a dealership if you can sell it to carvana, vroom etc…for the same price?

P.S. - has kia banned third party sales/buyouts?

Hyundai/Kia allow it, but they’re such a pain in the ass to deal with that most 3rd party dealers won’t bother

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I remember something like this…thanks.

Yeah i guess it’s a rock & a hard place…

If that’s the case, I take back my sympathy!

  1. How much equity were we talking about here?
  2. How in the world do you walk away without your car that you never signed over?
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