šŸ›» APR TOYOTA All states! DEALERS NATIONWIDE! Deals below invoice! 24 taco $4k off TUNDRA upto $8k off! Best pricing USA

That sounds about right! I canā€™t sell it to you for that price and cut you a check for like $6500


May pricing updated. Iā€™ll have other models Saturday. Pricing is looking very strong. Also I had the dealer sign up for ally bank as another source for leasing. $0 dispo fees and great residuals, but terrible money factors.

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Anyone know why I canā€™t update my title? Or do I need to create a new thread for May? I thought we were trying to reduce clutter, lots of glitches lately

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Mine does that from time to time. Locks me out. I normally message admin to help out. @Jon Has been nice enough to help a few times

Letā€™s get this month going!!! First payment is just $100 for the next 5 customers!

(Up to a $500 value, so no land cruisers haha!!!)

Whereā€™s the RAV4 pricing?

Iā€™ll have it shortly. Itā€™s similar to last month

I have seen you pull some insane deals on here so I signed up.
How is this month looking for a "Holy crap Jim got me this amazing insert_awesome_vehicle_here for under_$220_a_month and $0 drive off"?
Iā€™m in chester co right by ottos


How much land cruiser sign and drive.

1000/mo ish

Text me for some holy crap deals!

I have a taco off-road premium manual trans, $41k msrp, black, $225/mo plus tax, 12k with msds!


Rav4 Hybrid line, 15k miles, what are the rates looking like?

Hybrid leases arenā€™t worth the gas savings. Not even close


is it just the Rav4 hybrid that a high? what about the hybrid sedans? i dont really want a taco but for $205 it might be better in the long run, but just out of curiosity whats a camry hybrid or prius leasing for right now?

Curious what the Rav4 leases look like

Same, can we have some numbers on them for $0 down, 12k and 15k miles pleaseā€¦ hybrids!

Howā€™s the highlander looking this month? Looking for base or AWD. Thanks!

Is the Rav4 pricing avail? I donā€™t see it included in OP.

Text me for pricing. I donā€™t have price sheets for suvs yet


All hybrids lease poorly. The gas savings doesnā€™t come close to negating the price increase