It's OVER. Lexus PGA certificates are over. But the lawsuits are just beginning

People would jump on a legal method. Not fraudulent certificates to save $30 a month.

Had I known it was fraudulent i wouldnt be having this conversation with you judgemental folks.

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for the record, this has happened to me. Was on a date in NYC (lincoln center area) and a woman dropped her purse, I picked it up but she crossed the street right before the light turned red and I couldn’t follow. Looking inside we found a french ID and over $1K in cash (probably a tourist) and walked to the nearest police station and dropped it off.

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I stand in solidarity with @chrispbacon. We’re all here trying to saving a few extra bucks. Everyone has their own code of ethics. You know how many times “one time use” promo codes, coupons, and certificates - no matter how big or small the amount is - go viral. Especially on slickdeals. Lexus will learn from it’s mistake, charge back the dealer, fire the IT guy or firm responsible for the loophole. It’s unlikely they will renegotiate the terms of the contracts on deals that are already funded.

I highly doubt there will be lawsuits.

The other week I got hundreds of dollars of cat food for free at Petco by using a generic coupon on slickdeals that was meant for 1 person. So did tens of thousands of other people across the country who is on slickdeals and have pets.



Cocaine and hookers dude. cocaine and hookers.

Good job? You deserve a Kit Kat bar…

From a legal standpoint Lexus can’t do anything to the EU. There’s clear precedent that the result of coupons inadvertently stacking, price mistakes, insecure shopping cars/url does not allow a company to attempt to claw back on any legal ground with a concluded sale. The worst they can do is send a threatening letter that isn’t worth the paper they print it on. The only palpable action they can take is to block you from using Lexus financial services in the future, which is easy and plausible with SS#.

I doubt they’ll even do this. Why lose creditworthy clients?

I’m just seeing this thread, so I apologize if this was clarified… but are you saying the certificates are no longer redeemable OR they just are NOT allowing people to generate new ones anymore. I got a legit certificate back in May with my name and address on it and was saving it until December to nab a year end deal.

Legit certs are fine and still valid.

if you have it still, can you please send me.

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(20 characters and then some)

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Which one do you want? The Lexus certificate or the lawsuit? The title said the certificates are over but the lawsuit are still on …


Maybe he can get one from ChrisP if he goes for visiting hours at Rikers Island? :smirk:

Lexus Certificate if you have one and what is the Lawsuit. Are they going to honor?

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Im pretty sure they will honor the lawsuit, just call the lawyers for lexus, im sure they will happily sue you.


what do you mean by honoring the Lawsuit. What we have to tell when we meet the dealer

Just tell them chrispbacon sent you.


:man_technologist:t2::running_man:t2::dash::blue_car::tickets::dollar::moneybag::outbox_tray::inbox_tray::page_facing_up::scroll::page_with_curl::oncoming_police_car::rotating_light::police_car::oncoming_police_car::rotating_light::man_shrugging:t2::man_facepalming:t2: Any questions?