Is this okay? Acura ILX norcal 830 credit rating

Be sure to specify your location when asking for input on a deal! Tagging by state (e.g. CA, NJ, NY) is mandatory.

NorCal, Mountain View area.

Is this any good? Acura ILX 2k down, 12000 miles 36 months?

Need the experts to help me thank you

$400+ per month on a 2 generation old civic in drag is a lot of money


Thank you, valid points. What should I be paying?

Take a look at broker deals in the “Marketplace” to get an idea of what pre-incentive discount you should be targeting this month.

It is practically impossible for us to tell you what a “good” monthly payment is for your specific lease as lease programs are highly dependent on region, personal qualifications, tax rates, etc.

We always recommend the following method before you ever contact a dealership. If you do all of the work up front, you’ll have a stress free dealer experience and set yourself for success.

  1. Read Leasing 101 (Blog | LEASEHACKR) to understand how to calculate a lease payment and the variables. Monthly payment is an output, not an input!!
  2. Pick a specific vehicle that you want to target
  3. Gather the current MF, RV and incentives from Edmunds forums for your zip code
  4. Research the LH marketplace and other deals that have been made recently on your vehicle - what was their pre-incentive discount? How did their lease terms differ?
  5. Plug your numbers into the LH calculator (CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR), and use a pre-incentive discount similar to what you have seen
  6. Create a target deal, this is what you’re trying to negotiate to. You can try different terms, selling price discount, etc. and see how your monthly payment is affected. It is also possible that different trims of your vehicle may have different MF and RV (i.e. this is very common with GM), so make sure that you look into that. Come up with a set of inputs that give you the output that you want - your desired monthly payment.

With a target price determined, you now have a deal to pursue and compare dealer offers against. More importantly, you have a solid foundation to work from.

There a guy on here getting 14 percent off the ilx now if your interested I can send you his info

Can you please send it to me. That would be great. Thank you

Use this as a framework for a target deal.

It’s an old leftover 2021 that nobody wants. You can do better than $1k off.

That makes sense, thank you all for teaching me.

We appreciate it! Submit an inquire at so we can talk or text and guide you in the right direction :slight_smile:

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