Is this a good quote? - BMW 330i Lease

I wouldn’t count on that being a factor as to if they play games or not.

Maybe. Maybe not. If they know you’re a current BMW owner, they might just give you the best price because they know you’ve been through this and they don’t want to waste time. But again, that’s just an assumption

Not a chance. If you’re dealing with the same BMW salesman you’ve done business with before and have an established relationship with, maybe.

Just my assumptions from what I’ve been getting out of this experience.

This is your first problem. Stop going to dealers to talk numbers.

It kind of sounds like your style of outreach isn’t really working. Find a loaner or aged unit and you should be able to beat this, and try leading with numbers that you’re looking for (sales price, MF, etc). I’m sure several of the brokers on this site could help if you can’t find anything. Support on the 3 isn’t very hot right now but $520 with $1,500 DAS is brutal for an entry 4 banger