You don’t simply request a better deal. The dealer has little incentive to do much for you.
If you want a great deal, you have to control the deal. You have to know exactly how much of a dealer discount you’re looking for, and directly ask for it. You have to know the appropriate residual value, money factor, and everything else. You ask them for the dealer discount before incentives, and they either take it or leave it. And because you’ve already entered all the appropriate numbers in a lease calculator, and you know all the incentives you qualify for, you know exactly what the final figures will be if they say yes to your request for the dealer discount.
There is no $399 doc fee or $595 acquisition fee required. That’s $994 right there that needs to come off the deal now.
My deal is going to be hard to replicate because the dealer discount was extraordinary. But it can be done, and I’m hoping someone here can even beat the deal I negotiated because the Altitude trim has a higher RV (.55 RV) than the Latitude model I leased (.54 RV). I wanted a specific color combination that was only available as a Latitude model.