Is this a good deal for EQB

I can’t believe it either, but one of the dealers I am friendly with said they have been selling a bunch of them and people are paying this kind of money for them…:face_vomiting:


Yes, these type of money factors are sadly rather normal now.

Do you like you’ll like the car enough to justify $900/mo for 2 yrs?

Talk to @derekoh1991. A relative is in process of leasing with him and she’s considerably lower for eqb250. 3 year lease is cheaper than 2 on this one. Been easy to work with Derek.

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No but the goal is to take advantage of the 7500 credit and ultimately buy the car

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Why bother with msds then? Just lease it and buy out the lease.

Maybe a CC signing bonus? But yeah beyond that not much benefit.

She’s almost there!

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Have you run this through the LH calculator? It looks almost like those are the numbers WITHOUT the $7500 EV incentive applied? I can’t make what you gave us here work without something else going on to get the monthly that high.

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Oh my gosh, one of the most horrible deals posted to this forum! Run far, far away! You could easily get an EQS or EQE for that price or even a BMW iX—all $80k plus cars.

Also, really evaluate if you want an EQB. It’s one of the most uncompetitive EVs on the market. I’m quite confident Mercedes is going to have a hard time giving them away at under $500 a month.


“It’s a terrible value, uncompetitive car at MSRP… so there’s no way they’re going to give them away exactly like they’ve been doing with the EQS.”


And then there’s this, too… really think we’re that far from getting these sub $500?


Exactly, we’re already at sub $500 for EQB. Just search this forum.

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Yeah, I linked the example. So you meant, no one will buy them even at $500? I don’t have accurate sales figures, but I’ve talked to a ton of dealers that aren’t willing to budge much from MSRP on these. These guys certainly don’t seem to agree. And also, to be clear, that example I linked required EV conquest, max MSDs, and was a pretty much base EQB. Getting a decently optioned one under $500, especially 300 or 350, may be possible, but I can tell you it’s far from easy.

Yeah… no one wants to deal on EQBs out here in SoCal but I haven’t really looked that hard.

It looks like the bigger the vehicle, the more attactive the lease is.

where the sub$500?

Does this even get the $7500 credit? I thought that ended on April 18 when the new list of vehicles that qualify was published and no Mercedes was on it.

Yes, it does

The EQB lost out on that tax credit August of last year. Nothing changed on April 18th that had anything to do with the EQB.

The $7500 pass through on a lease is a totally different tax credit.

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