Instructions on how to get a BMW OL incentive - Ultimate Drive Events UDE

No, it’s just the standard lease credits.


IIRC correctly it was pretty selective on geographic market as to who got an OL code for attending. I went in Denver and did not get one and I think @trism went to San Diego and also didn’t receive one.


Thanks for the confirmation, maybe this time they will give an OL also it looks like the OL code is valid for a much longer period of time for those who got one.

Batigol, do you know when they open September?

My educated guess would be third monday of July.

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Charge Into Summer OL works until the end of August. Just used it on a 330i loaner lease.

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CP is now open for registration

Anyone have issues with OL codes with dealer? I know MOST dealers won’t fork up the $500 but now dealer is saying the code I have is invalid. So I spoke to BMW NA, they said it is 100% valid and showed me a screenshot.

It could show up as invalid if it’s intended for use at a specific dealer or region.

Yeah I think the code technically works until that August date listed

I just registered and attended the UDE in San Francisco. Not sure if I received a OL code. Any ideas if OL codes were issued for this event. August 05, San Francisco

Arent they issued at the event?

I actually did not review anything on the e-mail.

Emailed within 24 hours after, no?

Yup, I’ll wait and see

Does anyone have an OL code I can use, trying to work on a new lease now. I would appreciate it.

OL code can only be used by the person it was issued to.

If you don’t have an OL code, I suggest joining penfed and waiting 60 days to generate a code. That will get you the same $500 off on a lease.

Can Penfed and OL code be combined? And I thought as long as you provide an OL code it can be applied to lease, they just need to verify OL code is valid?

:point_up_2::point_up_2: What they said.

Penfed and OL code CANNOT be combined. Both are effectively $500 though (OL might be $1000, but $500 is dealer contribution, so it is always effectively $500).