MSRP: 60,210 USD
Discount: ~ 12000 on MSRP
Down: First Payment + 200 Doc Fee
Monthly Payment: $449, 39 months/10K miles per Year (still Negotiating, trying to get $10 less)
Thought to share… Thanks to HN308 who referred me !
@ Ed_Churchward - Can you share more details on how to arrive less than $400, not sure if the dealer will be willing to do MSD. Any information is greatly appreciated…
Well they don’t have a choice really, it is with the finance company. Does not cost them anything. Infiniti allow 9 or 10 of them. Each one is your monthly payment rounded up to the nearest $25 I think with infinity and will bring your mo eyes factor down
$368 with an $855 driveoff including your first month if you remove the MSDs and Acquisition so actually it sounds like they are marking up something in your deal.
You are right, I will also for the discount details and numbers may be it’s not 12k discount as he said…Is this a good deal or is there any room for negotiation ? Dealer is in CT, will askip for MSD if that would help in anyways…thank you for your great & quick response…
Well it depends if you mission is to get a lower monthly or a lower drive off. It still seems like a good deal but I always like to know all the numbers upfront.
Either you are not getting 12K off MSRP or they are charging some thing else to get the adj cap cost up by 3K. Look at the screenshot of my calculator which I use to calculate my payments and it clearly shows in Deal # 2 what you should be paying with the 12K discount. Deal # 3 is what comes up based on monthly payment you have been given.
Frankly getting 12K off on red sport is unheard of and I talked with almost every dealer in NY Tri-state area to get the deal I am getting which is 10,800 off sticker but of course my MSRP is way less than yours. Because the residual on red sport is higher and incentives from IFS are different it is very hard to get 12K off but if you do get it than your monthly should be $365.45 with tax and this is without using MSD.
Awesome analysis. I got to know that its 12K from sales person word of mouth, did not get the complete details. Looking at HN308 analysis, 9K discount numbers matches with what he has provided. Not sure if he applied 12K & did some margins on MF/Residual… Need to ask sales person more details on MSRP/Sale Price/MF/Residual etc…
GROSS CAPITALIZED COST:49,258.99 (48,558.99 + 700 Acquisition Fee)
No. of Payment: 39
Base Payment:417.67+Tax - 449.