If anyone ever wonders why brokers may want to charge a retainer

That’s pretty shady. It’s sad that people are like that. I want to save every dime I can, but would never think about not paying someone for their time. Even after getting a car through a broker and knowing the dealer they used, I referred my friend to the broker and not directly to the dealer when they wanted the same deal.


From what I’ve seen of your public deals, I believe that’s true. I want one so badly, but can’t justify the numbers, even when they’re the best out there.

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this site will not change the car buying experience nationally. deals through this site are less than 0.1% of the car buying population. the dealer model is not dead, nor will it die. It will, however, scale back where there will be fewer salespeople, with more of a focus of using cars as loss leaders and focusing on F&I and service to generate profits.


Thats frustrating Mike, I can only imagine how much time is wasted in the sales biz on tire kickers and buyers with no principles that would take a better deal for $1 less a month. We had a guy on the forum a year or so back that worked with @nyclife and went around him directly to the dealer to ink the deal for like marginally less. Some people are just shameless.


What I find most interesting is that this person is going to go back to the original dealer who tried to charge them $5K more than my deal. That dealer probably pitched it as a good deal lol.

I wouldn’t do business with those guys if I was a consumer and they claimed to give me a good or fair price.

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i actually got someone blocked in the past who tried to do that. literally had the dealer call up FS and had them blocked for 60 days.


Seems a bit sour-grapey considering you will never do business with this person again…

How the heck do you even get someone blocked from financing anyway that has no bearing on their creditworthiness?

I Don’t believe I said this site will change the car buying world, however sites that mimick this will disrupt the full buying experience.

“here is this clients credit application he submitted through me. he has since decided to go around me and get the same exact car but tried to cut me out.” you’d be surprised how FS likes to ensure that its clients are not complete scumbags.


has honcker? the car industry and business model is broken, but sites like this or like honcker will do anything about it.

I would assume the majority of dealers would go with the “it’s a business after all - a paying customer is a paying customer” policy.

If someone is serious about leasing a car from you, they will not question your retainer at all. If they understand what your service is, how it works, and what the benefit is, then why would they have a problem paying?
And if they are not comfortable paying it, then just refuse the business. They will never be worth it.

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and you’d be wrong because not pissing off someone who sends a ton of business and has a reputation of being accurate, honest and responsive, is more important than one more sale.

You mean like split the commission they would have paid the broker?

Doubt they’d burn a bridge for a few $xxx

I guess your dealers are more empathetic. I’ve sent tons of customers to a couple dealerships in the last few months and am pretty confident, even given my relationship, them reaching out to FS over something like this wouldn’t fly.

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Yea in my mind it comes down to self respect. If a dealer won’t work with me on a better price unless they are just matching someone else’s and I have had to do that footwork, I am moving on. I had a boss tell me she couldn’t give me a raise but if I went and got an external offer the company would definitely match. Needless to say I quit shortly thereafter.


Because your a customer referring them prospects, who may or may not purchase from them. Its different with a broker who is bringing them volume every month

You getting kickback on that? If you’re bringing them good leads and not deadbeats then it just depends what you want out of the deal besides money.

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100% this.

i have no issue picking up the phone and getting someone blocked if i find out they tried to pull this. nobody puts baby in the corner.

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Do you only do dealer paid fee or do you also do consults on retainer? Just curious as OP mentioned the latter arrangement.