I got 99 problems and a Frontier ain’t one. (A new year’s guide to a transitory lease in a car you probably don’t want)

One for me and one for a family member. Got the following deal done at two different NJ dealerships last month:

2022 Nissan Frontier S 4X4 Crew Cab
MSRP: $34,975
Selling Price: $34,975
Monthly Payment: $165
Drive-Off Amount: $2300 (Includes 1st month, Dealer Fees, Tax, Registration)
Months: 18
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: .00227
Residual: 99%

I really didn’t expect to like this truck as much as I do. Big thanks to this forum for helping make this happen. I’ve learned a lot and appreciate the knowledge share.