I agreed to leave the car at the dealership

random question: I went to sell (in process) my leased vehicle for pos equity at a local used car dealership. leased car was paid off with HMF, odo statement submitted; just waiting for title to come in.

I agreed to leave the car at the dealership to avoid unforseen circumstance on vehicle while waiting for title (and lock the agreed sale price), and get the check once i turn in title. He provided bill of sale request with amount, check request with amount, and PoA for transfer of ownership.

anything unusual here or is this fairly standard? also would i need to do this https://webdealer.txdmv.gov/title/publicVehicleTransfer.do? or bc this is a dealership not a private sale i dont need to?

thanks :3

Hmf can take up to 60 days to provide title if they arent a hmf dealer or part of a large autogroup

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Pardon, I should clarify- HMF is sending to title to me, which I then hand to dealership. HMF shows as 20 business days. I was just wondering theres anything I need to watch out or just casually wait.

Thats a lessor released title so you have to go to ny dmv and get one in your name, unless this is the super rare dealer to takes a LR title?

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lol my bad- this is texas. I did buyout with HMF. ack i only read title “trade in discussion” and thought this was a general thread.

Same rules but in tx you dont pay tax again so the dmv is pretty cheap

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oh i see- so the title sent to me from HMF is not going to be initially in my name? i’ll check with the dealership if they will take LR title or not. thank you.

Remember that guy who turned in his charger and then got a bill for new wheels and tires because somebody stole them off his car while it was at the dealer after turn-in? :laughing:


I called tax county office and they are stating I owe sales tax of the full amount when I do title transfer to put under my name…so $1300 of the 21500. What would I need to do to avoid paying tax again?

If you leased it in TX, they should have proof you paid the full amount.

Unless in TX do they double tax?

Found a recent thread about what is taxed when I do car lease in texas along with early lease buyout- but yes it looks like Im paying sales tax. Confusing as hell but as long as Im positive by ~$3k after taxes on this asinine rollercoaster on early lease buyout and selling to local dealership I guess Im fine…

Thats only for out of tx to buy in tx, not tx to tx

Edit : I’m wrong, it’s double taxed.

I was under the impression that in Texas, yes, one pays full tax on a lease at inception and on a lease buy out.

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Where is @IAC when he’s needed?

You are right
/sigh double tax.

He’s ‘Livin Mas’, in line a Taco Bell, deciding what to have from the $2 menu.

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