How do salesman afford to drive the cars they're selling?

That post was quite informative. I learned a great deal about his personality and thought process. Though I doubt the insights I gained were of any true value, as I attended only Kent State Univeristy, which, as you are likely aware, is NOT a top-tier school.

I’m gonna share how much I make and how much my stupid friend who graduated from DeVry makes in a subsequent post.


This made me laugh out loud


Coffee through my nose. Straight out.

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Yeah but does your friend drive an F type?

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And waste all that top-tier schooling’s writing prowess?


He leases a 2017 Fiat 500, but NO WAY could he afford to finance it, because he only brings home eleventy zillion dollars. I bring home sixty quadrillion pesos per hour so I lease an almost loaded Camry because I’m focused on the future and someday getting that sweet sweet Avalon.

Wait for it. Wait for it. Here comes the part where I’m jealous.

I’ll just put this right here…



I increased my take-home by setting my withholding to 0.


I’m used to getting mocked like how you guys are mocking me. I never said you had to go to a top school to be able to afford nice cars or whatever. I simply wanted to give a genuine example case. I could very well have given examples of people much later in their career/life span. Turns out trying to be helpful gets you ridiculed on this forum. As for you mocking me going to a top 3 schools for CS, it indeed does make a difference. To be paid salaries as high as we are straight out of college, you absolutely need to be from a top school. Regular students definitely will catch up later on in their career based on dedication and aggression. @Bostoncarconcierge I absolutely don’t think school makes all the difference, when did I claim that? Its a case by case basis. I have great support from my dad ( He paid for my college degree completely), and as such have no loans/parents to support. Others may not be so fortunate. I guess my comment came off as a douchey comment despite putting forward facts and not opinions. I guess mentioning pay automatically makes me a douche. @mp11477 Nobody needs to care, neither did I say anyone needs to care. I simply wanted to give a proper concrete example instead of the bullshit camry millionaire and maserati poor dude example. Great to see that this forum has its share of toxic members.

You admit your comment came off as douchey, but we’re toxic.

Millennial logic.


Top 3 CS school…there ya go again.

You’re doing it to yourself

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The comment came off as douchey because it is garish and crass to claim to make X while my poor “friend,” who may or may not want his imaginary salary published only makes Y.

And to follow it up, you claim to be “helping” by bloviating off-topic while bragging about your wealth and simultaneously implying others are lesser and make poor choices.


Could have been worded differently. Plus literally everyone older than a 24-yr old knows that discretionary spending can be very poorly correlated with disposable income. I don’t think your example was as helpful or as profound as you thought it was



Literally in the same post.


Anyway good for you for being more frugal than your friend. You can cut down your auto expenses even further. At your age, several hundred $ more invested per month could be a very tidy sum by the time you retire.

The kids making a point – I have personally seen a promotion been given to a under-performer over other exceptional candidates based on the reasoning he went to a great school – meanwhile the dude cant even form a sentence.

Where you went to school is the new form of red-lining.

Who care about retirement YOLO mah dude


Sounds like a terrible place to work

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if you have an iota of pride yes – if your looking for a check maybe not