Fair enough, I had not thought of that. Thanks for the great idea lol
My conern is always what incentives i qualify for though. And maybe im dumb, but its not always clear!
This is part of the process which you need to figure out. You have Ratefindr access so you can see the incentives available. If you expand each incentive it generally has the rules and qualifications.
Ya, I’ve looked but its not so obvious to me. I find the explanations to be vague and uncertain I also had requested MF and info on Edmunds JUST prior to signing up here and the info doesnt all seem to line up. So its creating confusion for me.
Without rereading 65 messages, I’m not sure you ever mentioned which car you were targeting?
That has been fluid lol (is that normal?).
Here’s the deal…I’m pretty easy going. I came here initially planning between a Tuscon Hybrid and Sportage Hybrid. Neither lease exceptionally well right now.
I also looking into Mazda CX50 Hybrid, Toyota Camry, Dodge Hornet R/T and after reading here, Equinox EV.
Because of incentives, I feel like I am now more focused on the Hornet and the Equinox, they just are so much less expensive with all the rebates/incentives.
But I’m not picky. Im pretty practical…My one ask would be a sunroof and I dont like red lol
Quick question and I didn’t want to start a new thread as it could probably help someone else here. Im noticing a lot of dealers removing email addresses from management staff or just all together. How are people getting around that? I’ve negotiated a few deals and every time it was by reaching out to the Sales or General Manager.
When the sales person replied to my original inquiry I sent them the deal I wanted and the next person to respond was the general manager. After that I mainly delt with the GM.
A real offer can be forwarded or printed by any minion for a GM to say yes/no.
OcAutoLease, it the best advice. I recently did something similar. I read the forum and marketplace including pre-negotiated deals to get an idea of what’s realistic lease terms. Then, I test drove the car and told the sales person I will send an offer. He and his sales manager asked if there was anything they could make the sale. I politely declined and said I had to go.
Then, I sent an offer with DAS and monthly payment for lease term and miles. I don’t care how they juggle their numbers with discount, MF, etc. to make it work. The dealer came back with a slightly higher counteroffer. With one follow up call with the sales manager, we agreed with my original offer. It’s all done in a day with only text and a couple of calls.
All I can say is this forum has lots of useful info. With some research and work, one can get deals like the brokers here offer. If you prefer to save time, I would say use one of the brokers here. It’s well worth it.
Very good way to go about it. Lease is a payment. I see all these tiktoks and YouTubers saying “negotiate the out the door price” but on a lease, that’s the dumbest thing to do. Similarly, negotiating MF and discounts is silly - maybe they have some extra flex cash they can use to get you to a payment goal. Lease is a payment and truly only a payment.
For run of the mill deals, sure. If you are trying to get unicorn type payments, fear of low payment on the dealers side is real.