Honcker deal and quick review

FYI - looks like Honcker is now available in MA, seems to be only Toyota deals at the moment, deals seem fair but not leasehackr worthy for now

You can use them as a starting point, what you shouldn’t be paying more than. Like everything else in life, work is required if you want to save/make $$, otherwise you pay for convenience, which is fine too. Time vs. $$ value.

what kind of documentation did Honcker request from each of you? I might be going that route, but with a cosigner instead. just wondering. thanks in advance.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

I’m going to shut this one down. This bumped thread hasn’t been active since June last year.

@MorganFromHoncker, you should probably open a new post and let people Q/A you there, vs bumping this old thread.