Helping me get my girlfriend out of her Mercedes Benz GLE350 lease

OP simply explore the details on the new deals. If they sound satisfactory to you, then fine.

Marketplace had someone offering some latest Volvo deals.

But here’s how it looks. A year ago, one could get 12%-ish of msrp, and all sorts of incentives. Today the discounts are far less and so are the incentives and some cars actually selling at a surplus of msrp.

The issue can be the squeeze. Selling the gle feels like it needs to be done fast or the price might disappear. And on the other hand, working out a good lease requires time.

This is why I asked if could share a vehicle for a while.

Personally, I wouldn’t sell the gle, and I would lease shop instead. Since the new car will go in your name any way, you can get the lease first, and then sell the gle knowing it can be sold in a day for no loss (at a minimum)!or turn it in if the timing is better.

Check with Mercedes though, doesn’t the lease lock on sales at 6 months to lease end? As in it can’t be sold at a certain closeness to lease termination.

I sold my car 2 months ago at a decent premium, and I still haven’t gotten another car yet. We’re sharing a car for now. I thought it would be easy to buy another car like it used to be.

What happened to you only buy gently used cars?
Also, She is currently paying 365 a month, regardless of how she got there. How is buying a 75000+ dollar car doing her any favors?


After reading the whole thing and genuinely wanted to help I can’t make my mind if it’s future abusive relationship in the making or what.

She has worked two job to get what she wanted and even if you think your approach is more financially prudent you don’t seem to understand her phycology much being from poor place.

I’m glad you are 47 and financially stable but before forcing your way of life on your Girlfriend (not wife) general money discussions would benefit rather than brute force your logic onto future “traditional” house wife who is been pretty independent on her own and was able to work for what she wanted rather get your permission to have something.

You even threw our some car from being selected because you didn’t like them while the car isn’t for you.

I’d much rather hear from your girlfriend directly what she wants to do.


Opposites attract? This has been a pretty interesting thread to read, as this person clearly sees that their partner isn’t good at making financial decisions but wants to get into another terrible one right now, the market is just not it right now. Even if you were to get out now, all the cars you are probably looking at are going to get you hosed.

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I’m confused here… your stated goal was to get her out of the GLE, recoup some of the cash that was put down and get her into something “more reasonable”. If you’re here now why on earth would you even take her to look at a GV80 when the most recent quote anyone here has gotten was north of $1,000 per month? Even if you cleared 10 grand selling the GLE and relit it on fire sinking it into a GV80 (note: Please don’t do this) you would be approaching a 700/mo payment. Based on the goals you stated initially this sounds like the complete opposite of unreasonable. If the goal for both of you is to make the most reasonable decision I’d do the following:

  1. Determine what she really needs. She’s driving a large SUV now and from your initial search it seems like you are navigating towards that direction again. Without getting too personal, do you and/or her have children that will be frequently transported? If not, is that in the cards for the very near future? Frequent amounts of friends, guests or extended family that would need rides? Large amounts of cargo for work or errands? Gas prices and MPG are of no concern? If there’s enough “Yes” answers to those questions, you’re in the right ballpark when it comes to a “reasonable” vehicle class. If she just likes driving a big luxury you’re better off just keeping what she already has. Ignore the sunk cost and just deal with what is in a vacuum a reasonable payment for what she has. If she doesn’t “need” that class of vehicle try looking at something that’s a more suitable size for her needs and identity potential candidates for a good lease.

  2. Put consumer reports away for a while and focus on identifying vehicles to examine closer that lease well, or at least relatively well for the environment. You need to find vehicles that have incentives, low money factor/interest rate and high residual values. If the GV80 is a Consumer Reports darling but makes for a terrible lease, what’s the point of having someone who is allegedly bad with money take a look at something like that? Now you’ve put that bee in her bonnet and it’s going to be tough to get it out.


Getting the same vibe here. Her monthly is only $385 which would seem to be manageable for someone in her position, not withstanding the hefty DP. She went 28 months like this and only has 8 months remaining. Yet he wants to get her out of that and into a much higher monthly, while claiming he’s doing it for her financial benefit… and she happens to be unemployed… and he says he is not going to help her with the payment. He started out as an expert on used cars and able to get a better deal than anyone else on one, and has completely reversed course on that within 24 hours. He’s looking at cars that are a lot more than $385/month… something does not add up. I think the $10-15k equity check is what he’s really after and the rest be damned.

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You are kidding right? Might as well buy/lease a Range Rover. This entire post makes no sense whatsoever, has a troll-y feel to it. The “girlfriend” excuse is either fictitious (meaning this is your car, your mistake) or you just need some attention.
You don’t get out of a terrible situation by leasing/buying a GV80, which would put you in an even more terrible spot. Is there a common sense section on LH?


It’s her money, her car. If she wants advice she can sign up.

Yet another “help me help my friend” thread that was a GD waste of everyone’s time.


Especially thinking of this equity in the realm of “I will put it on my name and make her make payment with that I won’t be helping her with”…