Help with Equinox EV Estimates

Editted: Numbers and incentives tightened. Any errors?

Coming back to the pros here to maybe get a 2nd EV in the last month. Any help greatly appreciated

tl;dr questions:

  • Updated: Help with [calculator]CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR), Is this accurate?
  • Are the chevy manufacturer incentives/cash taxable?
  • Anybody have a great dealer in the MA area to recommend?

Looking at Equinox EV RS AWD

  • MSRP 51,290
  • Selling price: 48,726 / 10% off (guessed)
  • Term: 36M / 12K (Need 36 month lease to get MA 3,500 MorEV credit)
  • Residual: 66% (from recent signed deals)
  • Money Factor: .0.00059167 / 1.42%
  • Dealer fees: 899


  • 3,500 MA State
  • 1,500 Conquest for 2010 or newer non GM car
  • 1,000 lease loyalty
  • 1,000 supplier discount

Total incentives

  • 7,000

This doesnt exist for the GM products.

The best place to start is signing up as a super supporter so you can gather the current rv/mf/incentives. Without having accurate information here, your calc results are no good.

Thank you! I updated the calculator removing 7500 and took MF and RV from a very recent deal in NJ. Not as compelling as I would like.

Anyone see obvious issues in the parameters?

There are some instances where the 24m is so much cheaper that it makes sense to forego the 36m MOREV. Check sub 36m durations always