Help me make a decision in this crazy Texas car market


Moving to the Off Ramp

Hi sorry to bother you but I thought you might be able to lend me some knowledge. The store manager contacted me

(I want to take a moment and personally thank you for visiting our dealership. I truly hope you had a pleasant experience.

We are attempting to set a sales record for the month and finish out with a bang.

While you consider your options, if there is anything I can do to help make a deal work for you, please contact me directly)

I know the market is rough and they had very few Nautilus on the lot and they were only doing MSRP. What do you think is reasonable to ask? Any suggestion would be very helpful.

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Standard fishing email from any dealer who has your email.

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The sales record they are going for is gross. They’re not setting a unit record. No chance. They’re blowing smoke up your ass. If you don’t need a new car, don’t get one.

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It’s the dealer I visited yesterday and he had called me today. So I know it’s not fishing email from some one random. So it’s legit but idk what kind of deal they could be giving when they don’t have any cars to sell anyway.

A sales profit record maybe.


The thing is I do need a car and I have made many post and have even been in contact with IAC which he was very kind enough to send me numbers on a different car we discussed but the numbers just werent what I was willing to pay for luxury SUV.

I will most likely be going back to them to get this car anyway as it seems at its price point is the lowest monthly I can get for luxury suv.

I originally wanted a GLE Coupe 53 and I knew before market went to shit people were leasing them for $650 best deal to $800 meh deals but sadly in current market they now leasing for 1.4k at best. Also no more Texas tax rebate so leasing just has become impossible (shit deal) in Texas

Now if I could get them to get me any deals I would be happy as I’m more then likely will buy the car anyway so any deals will just be icing on the cake.

Could you recommand anything I should try to ask for and see if they budge on, or if you think I can get comparable luxury suv for same monthly i’m all ears friend.

Maybe a Q7, I can do tax credits on one.

Not sure that ever happened.


Not in Texas.

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I didn’t even search that well, just sent you number one link that came up on Google search

Literally a unicorn deal, 18 months ago. And still not in Texas.


I understand not current market, the other person said they never saw it that low before, also feel like if I searched little harder I’d even find 550 unicorn deals.

You’re likely not getting a deal. Any dealer not selling at MSRP is a moron. This issue isn’t going away anytime soon.


The key to knowing if it is a phish vs a real personal email is if he mentions anything about your visit such as why you didn’t come to a deal or any numbers, or at least the car you talked about.

Otherwise, your email went into the database as ‘no deal’ and the machine deals with it appropriately.

You right about the issue, reading what the big chip makers like Intel and ASML been saying I don’t see issue fixing it self anytime soon. So not going to wait for market to fix it self when I can get a car now and drive it for 2-3 years. Might lose some cash at end of 2-3 years or come out even. Either way it’s life, need a car now and can’t change it. Just trying to find best deal for the moment.

Oooh good point friend, I appreciate the information, these days sellers are much smarter and have better tools so it make sense.

Demo unicorn. For an outgoing model year and from a very different market.

Btw 53 and 43 are very different programs and availability wise.

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MSRP is more than reasonable

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