Has anyone here leased a Giulia yet?
I’m crazy for the car I know it doesn’t lease well compared to the germans.
I keep getting quoted $5k drive off then 440+tax which is absolutely terrible for a $42k car.
Thanks in advance.
Has anyone here leased a Giulia yet?
I’m crazy for the car I know it doesn’t lease well compared to the germans.
I keep getting quoted $5k drive off then 440+tax which is absolutely terrible for a $42k car.
Thanks in advance.
Somebody has to take the arrows
For this car I am willing to take arrows… just not a cannonball to the groin.
I absolutely love it sadly
Yeah, the $5k is a cannonball … even with $440/mo a drive-off of $2k would be big arrows but still not too bad
I think you are the first person to even get a quote on a Giulia around here …
Warbeast, I tried to lease this car and there was/is just not enough supply. One dealer tried to add $5k dealer markup at first, with a $650 monthly rate… Another dealer came off MSRP by 9%, but that was on a 51K upgraded model… payments still at 600+ based on a residual of 51%.
My advice: wait if you wan to lease. If the car is successful in the marketplace (and there appears to be that potential) the residuals will rise. Also as supply improves incentives will materialize.
In the end I bought it… It was just too fun of a car to drive, and this was the car I wanted as my 3 time a week fun car. So far it’s living up to my test drive… Most enjoyable car I’ve had since my 2000 9-5 turbo. Audis and Mercs in between, but the Giulia is a winner.
You purchased or leased? @gfrfan. Congrats on your car hopefully I can lease by December if they fix the rates
I purchased outright… I would think by December the leases will be better
In the original thread, I stated the local Detroit dealers are already offering FCA employee discount on the Giulia base/Ti models, but still was not a good deal. It was $499/mo plus tax with $2k due at signing on MSRP of $44,000.
I love this car too, but I have the luxury of waiting for a year and hope the residuals rise and more incentives become available.
Was waiting for someone to post the employee deal. Now OP you have a target. Get them to do that deal and you have a winner!
There is no Alfa for FCA affiliates
That sucks. Luckily it’s easy to find an FCA employee willing to give a discount code in the metro Detroit area. Can’t wait for these cars to become lease friendly.
I’m sure in a year or two it will be available to affiliates also. Maybe even sooner.
Don’t even need to see it - would take Alfa, period
Ridiculous exhaust. Give it to me for $600 a la Hellcat please. I’ll take an I8 for $800-$900.
That’s incorrect on Alfa -
if the Alfa is friends and family friendly i’m sure it would be selling cars more on the lots, or dealers are refusing to do this.
I truly feel like sales staff don’t want to get rid of the cars, meaning the GMs don’t care yet.
they are the only dealers not trying to call/text/email sales near month end despite the fact I truly want one.
That is good news if it is friends and family friendly.
Salespeople have zero say in what gets sold or not.
If a Sales Manager found out a salesperson broomed a deal - they would go berzerk.
That person is very connected in the FCA world, if they say it - it’s certain.
I’m not FCA “friends & family”. Alfa is NOT on FCA affiliates site, I checked through my employer.
Supplier and friends are the same program under a different name.
The site is probably wrong.
Things are always wrong on dealerconnect. (FCA internal tool)
Edit: I could be wrong though - but I doubt it.