Got my first lease, a Q 50

yesterday got my first ever lease. 2017 Q 50 infiniti. zero down, 400 per month for 39 months. sticker 46,300
friend got 9983 off.

residual 23,600

I am VERY happy. what a car for no money down and 400 per months.

have a great day.

How many miles a year ?

Please provide more details.
Which version and packages miles per year. Thanks.

Isn’t that kind of high for these? Thats a .86 ratio. I thought a .75 ratio was possible?

I personally ended up buying an Elantra sport w/ premium package at a .76 ratio. $184 a month is too cheap to pass on.

I don’t know all the details, but it is 10,000 miles/year, which works for me. Bose sound system, twin turbo V6. navigation, heated seats and steering wheel, sunroof. this was the ONLY dealer that would take 9900 off the sticker. I am VERY happy with this deal. no money down, and 400/month includes sales tax.

best regards, bob

When did you get your Elantra? Did you post those details here? (Just curious as I’m looking at an Elantra)

Grats, though I’d have suggested talking to @nyclife first or checking out this thread before pulling the trigger…


Yes, I did. Just search for elantra Sport. Tons of post about it :slight_smile:

This ^^^^^ is a true leasehackr. Ratios …

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Found it thank you! (20 char)

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Congrats, @Oldbob. I was wondering why I felt deja vu all over again…maybe because of this thread from 8 days ago?