Getting out of 2020 bmw 740xi lease

In addition, don’t BMW dealers typically offer pull ahead of a few months? Unsure how that works if required to jump into another BMW to qualify or if OP could get into an MB since many dealers are both BMW/MB?

BMW dealers love to send out flyers saying come on in, but it’s more of a “come on in and we’ll roll in the rest of your payments into your new lease.” BMWFS occasionally does pull aheads, and pull aheads by the the bank are the only ones that actually matter, but I wouldn’t count on it being there.

And no, you can’t pull ahead into a different brand except for in very niche cases that are not really worth mentioning.

I don’t think true “pull aheads” are as common as they once were. As @mllcb42 said, typically they just roll remaining payments into new financing.

You were ripped off on that monthly payment. I got an Audi A8 same MSRP for $999 with 3K down and it’s a better car

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