- Cali residents only
- All deals listed are based on Tier 1 credit
- Taxes/ Title/ License vary from state to state so take that into consideration when shopping.
- Broker Fee: $599
- Broker fees are only refunded if we are not able to fulfill your order
- For other make and models visit GCauto.com
Fill out a inquiry form or give us a text: (669) 600-0355
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Pick up in SoCal.
NorCal customers can arrange their own transportation.
Drive off amount Includes all dealer fees (Doc/DMV/reg.) Incentives are taxed in Cali.*
Loyalty Requirement: Individuals or members of the same household who currently owns/leases any model year Volvo or Saab vehicle OR has owned/leased either within the last 6 months.
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Fill out a inquiry form or give us a text: (669) 600-0355
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