⭐ GCauto Volvo South 10% off! XC90 B5 $550+tax / XC60 T8 $361+tax / XC90 B5 Core $261+tax w/ $3.5k + MSD DAS

Please submit an inquiry with us.

In South FL, can we add the ABA discount to your deals ?

Can you do MSDs in Texas for Volvo?

I did as a Texas resident purchasing at an out of state dealer.

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Thanks for the confirmation.

Yes, you can.

Submit an inquiry for quote.

What is included in the drive off?

We’re running low on T8’s. You have to flexible with color. If you’re not ready to sign, please hold off on inquiring. We are going to prioritize customers who are ready to take delivery asap.

Gas units are plentiful.

Is this in Florida?

No, transport is available to FL.

We are now excluding Texas.

Could someone help a semi-newb out… If I’m not a Costco member, I’m not a member of ABA/AMA (I believe Amer Bar and Amer Medical???), no idea what A Plan is, etc then are these Volvo XC90 deals that good???

It looks like I’d be putting $4k+several thousand more and to get a ~$300/month payment for only 7.5 miles annually, right?

If you search this forum, you should be able to get answers to your questions. You will need to be a Costco member before the start of any of their promotions in order to generate a certicae. There is no waiting period when you sign up for an ABA membership.

Sign up the with the ABA with a student account. American Bar Association.

Got it, thank you for confirming the necessity to join before shopping for a lease.

WOW! Thank you, this is extremely helpful! The search function on here is great but did not yield that “hack for a hack”

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I am looking for xc 90 in CT.

Or, if you have a lawyer friend (that’s probably an ABA member), they can generate a pin for you. They have friends and family access.

Our dealers are currently out of the XC90 T8 plus trim. Grab a XC90 T8 Ultra instead! XC60’s and XC40’s are still available.

Is Texas still excluded?

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