⭐ GCauto - Kia 25' EV9 Wind $526+tax | 24' EV6 $285+tax | Sorento LX $335+tax | Telluride LX $401+tax w/ $2k DAS

  • California residents only
  • Tier 1 credit
  • Includes all dealer fees (doc, DMV, registration)
  • Broker fee: $599, refundable if we cannot honor deal
  • For other make and models visit GCauto.com
  • 100+ :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: Hackr Reviews

:checkered_flag: California KIA :checkered_flag:

:arrow_double_down: Scroll down to last page for latest price list :arrow_double_down:

:small_blue_diamond:Hassle-free :small_blue_diamond:Pre-negotiated :small_blue_diamond:Price guaranteed
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