Frequent credit pulls and credit score

That’s new credit card accounts, not inquiries.

This isn’t true. Often they have no impact at all on your FICO scores.


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Seems to decrease …

Well, it either does or it doesn’t. :slight_smile:

This is an observation that virtually no one actually makes directly.

In order to know the actual impact, you’d have to pull the same bureau and obtain the same score model immediately prior to someone else, and then compare the results.

No one does that. They observe a new score sometime after the inquiry and compare it to the last score obtained at some point in the past, and attribute the delta to the inquiry.

But over the same time period, existing trade lines have been updated with new balances, payment histories have been updated, and everything on the report has aged.

You may have even lost one or more old trade lines (I recently noticed that my very first mortgage is no longer reporting, but I have no idea when it dropped).

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Yeah…thats the trick.

Using the (what may be useless) Credit Karma daily
score model, with my frequent lease inquiries but no other changes it seems like the hard inquiry from the dealer and leasing company may have been a 3 point hit but no way to know for sure…

I used CK as one of several free credit monitoring services, but the scores are worthless.

I don’t even consider the credit data they use to be reliable, because they send me alerts all the time that have basic account-level information - like the limit on a credit card that hasn’t changed in 5 years - wrong.

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